Thursday, October 26, 2006

I'm Back and Better than Ever!

Well. I guess I could preface my post with some cute statement about how clearly I have been neglecting my poor, sweet blog and all my dear, innocent readers, but...I don't think I should. After all, this blog is not a person but rather a forum of discussion...directed by me, of course, but then again, in my world, everything is.

Isn't it so strange when you think about it that way. I live inside my mind -we all do, really- living inside our heads as if our skulls were little houses with our eyes glorious windows that always look out into the world of others. But always from our perspective. So nothing we see is without context, and nothing we hear or smell or touch is either. And all of our experiences are egocentric, and all of our responses are shaped by that egocentricity. But if life were not that way, without individuality, without the concept of self...where would we be? There'd be no life, not as we know it. There'd be no we.

I've noticed (again with the "I", but we already established the need for such self-absorption) that I have fleeting bursts of major philosophy, and if I don't express it, it will not-get-out-of-my-head. I've been thinking about tall this "me-ness" for weeks now. But...due to my neglect of the OkeeJew world (hee hee, my world), I never expressed it. For although I do have another tendency, that of blurting out my philosophies to the most random of creatures somewhere in between talk of the weather and "oh, I gotta go, sorry, bye", I never yet blurted out my obsession with myself.

So. There you go.

Okay, it's not an obsession. Really.

Oh, I gotta go. Sorry. Bye.


the only way i know said...

as it says
every person should say
the world was created for me

instead of selfishness - it's a responsibility to contribute, and you have to be fully 'you' (or 'me') - in order to contribute properly...
and we also have to fully be be able to appreciate it all.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Nice to see ya back.

Scraps said...

Welcome back, dear. Good to see ya. And if slowing down on the blogging is the worst "symptom" of being a bit wrapped up in yourself (which I doubt anyway, because most self-absorbed people are blissfully unaware that they are such), you're doing fine.

kasamba said...

(Mexican wave holding peach scented candles)

Oh, never, ever, ever leave us again Okee!

Lee said...

theonlywayiknow-- truth, when spoken, rings clear...the world was created for me! As long as I don't forget where I come from, where I'm going, and where I am...

sw/fm--nice to see you too!

scraps--aww, you always know what to say! So as long as I'm conscious of my self-absorbedness, I'm ok? Hee hee.

kasamba--YAY!!! I'm BAAAACK!!!
ummm, what's a mexican wave? I know what peach scented candles are. Personally, I'm partial to vanilla, but peach does hold a spot in my top ten.
and leave you? never, I couldn't, I wouldn't, I didn't...I just took a little vay-cay. But don't worry, I learned my lesson!

Lee said...

theonlywayiknow-- truth, when spoken, rings clear...the world was created for me! As long as I don't forget where I come from, where I'm going, and where I am...

sw/fm--nice to see you too!

scraps--aww, you always know what to say! So as long as I'm conscious of my self-absorbedness, I'm ok? Hee hee.

kasamba--YAY!!! I'm BAAAACK!!!
ummm, what's a mexican wave? I know what peach scented candles are. Personally, I'm partial to vanilla, but peach does hold a spot in my top ten.
and leave you? never, I couldn't, I wouldn't, I didn't...I just took a little vay-cay. But don't worry, I learned my lesson!

David_on_the_Lake said...

Hey..belated welcome back....